27th February 2019
In 2018 our resources were pushed to the limit but the generosity from schools, businesses and individuals meant that we provided 210,880 meals for those in crisis. We are asking for that support again this year so we can meet peoples most basic need, food. Please join our ‘Lent 80 Can Challenge!’.
Here is a link to our poster which is everyone is welcome to use Lent 80 Can Challenge
The early months of the year can be a difficult time for Black Country Foodbank as donations drop off and we struggle to maintain our food stocks.
Lent lasts 40 days and 40 nights so we challenge as many of you as possible to collect and donate 80 cans of food to Black Country Foodbank.
This challenge can be taken up in the workplace, at school, in your church community, at home with your family or neighbours or in those clubs and societies that you are members of.
In the workplace different departments or teams could participate; at school classes, houses or year groups could take up the challenge. Within the church community various sections e.g. the toddler group, the youth section, the leaders, the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts could all participate in the 80 can challenge. In your home environment why not ask your extended family or you could join with your neighbours and, as a street, collect items to donate to BCFB. Don’t forget those clubs/societies too – the choir, sports teams, craft clubs or musical ensembles.
How you do it is up to you, but please be encouraged to take up the challenge!
For suggestions as to what you can donate please see the list below:-
It need not just be cans – packets and toiletry items are needed too.
Once you have collected your items if you would like us to collect them, please contact admin@blackcountryfoodbank.org.uk or phone 01384 671250
Thank you everyone!