
Tales from the Foodbank...


“We’re actually fine normally, but last year when my daughter left school to go to college I forgot to tell the DWP. My benefits stopped and it took 4 weeks to sort it out. I didn’t know what to do, and it was only when a friend suggested Foodbank that I even considered it. I hope we never need it again but it did help until we got sorted.”

- Connie

“I finally got a job last month, but my Job Seekers stopped as soon as I started work. I don’t get paid for another two weeks, so it’s left me really short. Foodbank has provided a few essentials to keep me going. Thank You!”

- Phil

“I had to use Foodbank a few times. I didn’t want to, but I did it because I needed to feed my kids. I did it for them. Now, things are better and I can give something back. It’s not much, but I know it meant a lot to me when I needed it.”

- Rachel